mythology of Belarus is an open mix-project

brief is an open mix-project which is implemented in several areas. These areas unite modern art and historical-cultural heritage of Belarus.

In the project we use historical mythological characters from the old Eastern European fairy tales, legends and myths.

The mythological creatures are well described and have exact 2D graphical representation made on the basis of their physical descriptions. 2D graphics of these characters is made at the highly artistic level.

Belarusian mythology is included into Slavic family of mythologies. The mythology of Belarus is studied quite poorly, there is an obvious deficiency of objective written sources. The purpose of our project is promotion of Belarusian mythology, studying and dissemination of information about characters of mythology of Belarus.

Today about 500 mythological characters are known, about 150 of them are well described in various sources, for 100 characters there are graphics, 15 of them already have representation in the form of full-growth sculptures.


Catalogue of the Belarusian mythological creatures

In the framed of project we are planning to create the unique catalogue of the Belarusian mythological creatures. Descriptions of mythological creatures on the basis of the remained data from national folklore and descriptions from art primary sources will be presented in the catalogue.

Belarusian mythological creatures in 2D graphics

Catalogue of Belarusian mythological creatures will include 2D graphics, animation of creatures of Belarusian fairy tales, myths and legends.

sculptures of creatures

Full-height sculptures of Belarusian fantastic and mythological creatures are created in the framework of realization of one of the directions of the project which purpose is promotion of Belarusian modern art in the world.

creatures in 3D, animation

Computer 3D models of the creatures are developed on the basis of three-dimensional images. We are creating animation to use it further in applications of virtual and augmented reality. For the moment, computer dynamic models of Belarusian mythological creatures were created to use them further in computer games, animated films and other video formats.

virtual reality game

Belarusian mythological characters are created in digital format that can be used to create computer games. In the framework of the project, applications are created for portable mobile devices.

cultural center

The project presupposes the creation of the unique cultural-historical center in the village Velikaya Lipa.

The manor of Obuknovichy is situated in the village, on the the main Belarusian tourist way Mir-Nesvizh, which attracts more than 300 000 – 400 000 tourists annually.

Books about mythology of Belarus

БЕЛАРУСКАЯ МІФАЛОГІЯ. Энцыклапедычны слоўнік

С. Санько, Т. Валодзіна, У. Васілевіч і інш.

НЕЧИСТИКИ. Свод простонародных в Витебской Беларуси сказаний о нечистой силе

К. Я. Никифоровский

ЧАРОЎНЫ СВЕТ. З беларускіх міфаў паданняў і казак

Г. П. Пашкоў, Л. В. Календа, Г. М. Малей, В. П. Славук і інш.

The rights for the printing edition and also the rights to use original images of Belarusian mythological characters of authorship of V.P. Slauk for creation of popular encyclopedic printing editions belong to the “Editing house “Belarusian Encyclopedia named after Petrus Brovka”.


G. P. Pashkov, L. V. Kolenda, G. M. Maley, V. P. Slavuk and other

The rights for the printing edition and also the rights to use original images of Belarusian mythological characters of authorship of V.P. Slauk for creation of popular encyclopedic printing editions belong to the “Editing house “Belarusian Encyclopedia named after Petrus Brovka”.

Hello, I’m Zheuzhuk

More about me


Copyright on original images of Belarusian mythological creatures belongs to Valery Petrovich Slauk. The rights to use original images of Belarusian mythological creatures of authorship of V.P. Slauk for creation of popular encyclopedic printing editions belong to the Publishing House Unitary Enterprise “Belarusian Encyclopedia named after Petrus Brovka”. The intellectual rights on original graphics of Belarusian mythological creatures of authorship of V.P. Slauk belong to the project team, except for the rights to use these images for creation of popular encyclopedic printing editions.

We are open for any form of cooperation: investments, innovations, new directions, connected with the subject of the project.